PVC Plastic Tube with Concrete Infill Strengthened with FRP: A State-of-the-art Review

  • Nwzad Abduljabar Abdulla
Keywords: Plastic tube; CFPT; FRP; Strength; Durability.


The strength and energy absorption capacity of concrete compression members are a significant concern when considering the structural performance under axial and lateral loads. A lot of methods and different techniques have been proposed in the past to improve the behavior of concrete columns under the applied loads. One such technique is the concrete filled-plastic tube (CFPT) strengthened externally with fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP). Such a system can improve the durability of the structural members. A review of the research work on the durability of the new system under axial and flexural loads is presented. Moreover, a comparison and a brief discussion of the reported results are displayed.

