Preparation and Free Radical Detection of Doped ZnO Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials play an important role in the field of optics and medicine, and rare earth cerium can act as a catalyst and a dopant to increase improve its optical properties. Used nanometer zinc oxide as a carrier, the Ag-ZnO and Ag-Ce-ZnO samples were prepared with the sol-gel method and characterized by X-ray diffractometer. The nanometer zinc oxide materials can generate the free hydroxyl radicals, so the methylene blue solution (MB) was used as the capture agent, and the free radicals produced by the doped nanometer zinc oxide were detected by UV-spectrophotometry. The results showed that the preparation particle size of the Ag-ZnO sample was about 75nm, particle size of the Ag-Ce-ZnO sample was about 70nm. The concentration of two samples treated with the dispersant PAAS generated hydroxyl radicals is much larger than the two samples treated with the dispersant SDBS. The doping of Ce ions not only improved the optical activity of the samples, but also increased the content of hydroxyl radicals. Rare-earth doped effe ctively improved the optical properties of the ZnO nanoparticles, and the effect of sample Ag-Ce-ZnO was better than Ag-ZnO samples. Discussion and study on the nature of both the nanometer zinc oxide and doped nanometer zinc oxide, as well as the method of preparation and the theory of produce hydroxyl radicals. In the experiment, doped nano-ZnO was used as carrier and methylene blue (MB) as capture reagent. This study provided a new method for the detection of free radicals drugs.
Copyright (c) 2018 Shanshan Song, Yuguang Lv, Bo Wang, Qi Shi, Yaxin Zhao, Ziran Zhou

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