Inkjet Printing of Controlled ZnO Nanoparticles Layering

  • N. Spinella
  • C. Galati
  • L. Renna
Keywords: Inkjet printing; ZnO nanoparticles; Stacked-multilayers.


 Controlled layering of functional material can produced a versatile film with specific chemical and physical proprieties for desirable applications. This article presented inkjet multilayer structures of ZnO nanoparticles of specific layer morphology and thickness for the development of devices where a high surface-to-volume ratio is required (e.g. micro gas sensors). Stacked multilayers were stratified through a multi-run printing process suitable to produce large-square pattern on flat silicon support. The formation of a multilayer structure was demonstrate through an extended structural characterization of the resulting film. Printed layer morphology was investigated with optical and scanning electron microscopies; atomic force microscopy profiling characterizations were conducted over the entire printed area to evaluate the pattern reproducibility. Finally, a preliminary study as gas sensing film was performed, using the alcohol/ZnO interaction experiments.
