Grinding, Melting and Reshaping of EoL Thermoplastic Polymers Reinforced with Recycled Carbon Fibers

  • A. Donatelli
  • G. Casciaro
  • T. Marcianò
  • F. Caretto
Keywords: Composites; Thermoplastics; Carbon fibers; Recycling; EoL; Compression moulding.


This article assesses the technical feasibility of a recycling process based on grinding, melting and re-shaping of carbon fibers (CFs) reinforced thermoplastic polymers, in order to obtain new products that can be introduced in different markets, depending on mechanical properties retained. The idea at the basis of our study is that this kind of recycling process lies at the edge of the stages of recycling and re-use of materials, considering that the latter is preferable when considering the waste management hierarchy. Lower cost and similar mechanical strength of virgin CFs allowed the spread of recycled CFs in the automotive sector in the form of composite materials. Taking into account the Directive 2000/53/EC that sets out measures to prevent and limit waste from end-of-life (EoL) vehicles and their components, and ensures that where possible this is reused, recycled or recovered, we considered worth to investigate the recyclability of composite materials made with recycled CFs when they will reach the state of EoL materials. Considering this premise, an additional scope of this paper is therefore to provide some useful information about the possibility to perform a multiple closed loop recycling of rCF thermoplastic composites. Experiments carried out demonstrated that re-shaping of composites is technically feasible. Some square plates were produced without any setback. The mass balance of the recycling process demonstrated that about 88% of the EoL material can be recovered. Calculation of energy consumption showed that approximately 16 MJ are necessary in the treatment of 1 kg of EoL composites.
