The Effect of Nonlocal on Poro-thermoelastic Solid with Dependent Properties on Refrence Temperature via the Three-phase-lag Model

  • Mohamed I. A. Othman
  • Samia M. Said
  • Mohamed G. Eldemerdash
Keywords: Temperature dependent properties; Nonlocal parameter; Porous solid; Three-phase-lag model; Thermoelasticity.


In this work, a novel nonlocal model on a poro-thermoelastic solid with temperature-dependent properties is presented. To solve this problem, the thermo-elasticity theory with three-phase-lag model (3PHL) is proposed. The modulus of the elasticity is given as a linear function of the reference temperature. The analytical expressions of the displacement components, the stresses, and the temperature are obtained by normal mode analysis. The main physical fields are displayed graphically and theoretically discussed under the influence of the nonlocal parameter and temperature-dependent properties.
