Stability analysis and observer design for one-sided Lipschitz descriptor systems with time-varying delay

  • Jing Hao
  • Yali Dong
Keywords: Descriptor systems; observer design; asymptotically stability; one-sided Lipschitz condition; time varying delay


This paper investigates the problem of stability analysis and observer design for nonlinear descriptor systems with time-varying delay. In the systems, the nonlinear function satisfies the one-sided Lipschitz condition and the quadratic internal boundary condition. The disturbance is considered in both the state and the output equation. Using one-sided Lipschitz condition, the quadratic internal boundary condition, and the generalized Lyapunov method, we establish the non-strict bilinear matrix inequality (BMI)-based condition. We change the condition into strict bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) condition. Furthermore, we give the linear matrix inequality-based condition to ensure the gradual convergence of state estimation error and to accomplish robustness against   L2  norm bounded disturbances by utilizing change of variables for straight forward computation of the observer gain matrix. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the effectiveness of the observer design scheme.
