A Comparative Study of the Pliability of Separate Auxetic Architectonic Structures by Means of CAD

  • Mª Dolores Álvarez Elipe
Keywords: Auxetic; Architecture; Geometries; Patterns; Growth.


If a lengthened structure gets fat in all directions and the same structure gets narrower when it is pressed, it is an auxetic structure. This happens because these kinds of structures have a negative Poisson's ratio (NPR). In this paper a comparative study of unity patterns of CAD auxetic geometries is presented. A Computer Aided Design library of auxetic geometries will be developed to apply them to architecture. The geometric behavior of the eighteen auxetic separate patterns is tested from the developed library in order to develop a systematic comparison, analyzing properties of these forms, such as their maximum achievable area reductions in relation with the total length of bars of the structure, in order to obtain a growth factor.
